Monday, February 15, 2010

Port Kelang (Kuala Lumpur) Malaysia

We sailed in early this morning and boarded a shuttle bus (just over an hour) into the city. Kuala Lumpur is the capital of Malaya and a large modern bustling city. It's made up of mostly Malay people and Islam is the major religion. Other groups include Chinese, Indians and Indonesians and it truly looked like a kaleidescope of peoples and cultures. We were dropped off at a mega mall and walked over to the Petronas Towers, the world's largest twin towers and pride of the city. These were quite impressive with the walkway between the buildings from which visitors can get a great view of the city. Unfortunately when we arrived it had already sold out for the day! Only 1,000 tickets are given per day and we would have had to be there by 7 am to be in line – shame! We made our way over the the Central Market, a busy place to see traditional arts and crafts. Chinatown surrounded the market, where again it was crazy with people buying for the upcoming new year. The bus station nearby was also insane with travelers heading out of the city for the holiday! A few shopkeepers had warned us about pick- pocketers and people who might snatch my purse or camera from passing motorcycles, but we had absolutely no problem, thank goodness. Just happy, smiley, friendly people!

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