Sunday, February 21, 2010

Male and Kudo Bandas, Maldives

The Maldives consist of hundreds of islands, all atols surrounded in turquoise blue
- just stunning. As you may know, there's talk that the islands are sinking with the rise of the world's oceans. We arrived into Male - an island of some 100,000 people all crammed into an island that only takes a half hour to walk across. It's "sea to sea" buildings, people, bikes and cars. Stephen was feeling a bit under the weather today, so I tendered ashore for a quick walk around the island. Visited the fish market with the day's catch all laid out on the stone floor for merchants to sell. (Appeared to be only men out on this Islamic island - I guess the women were at home...). Passed through a vege market as well. Narrow streets with barely enough room to pass. We tendered back to the ship and sailed to a secluded and remote island an hour away. The sail there was amazing - passing huge circular atols so incredibly blue in color. We tendered out to the island and spent the afternoon there snorkeling and swimming in the warm waters. Felt like "Giligan's Island" or a scene from Survivor! Really beautiful and could see why it's such an attractive spot for honeymooners to visit.

1 comment:

  1. Love your blog - Elephant orphanage...and all your travel stories, what an adventure! hope Stephen is feeling well.Take care!
