Saturday, February 20, 2010

Colombo & Kandy, Sri Lanka

We arrived in Sri Lanka with much anticipation and excitement - when Stephen was just ten he had a penpal from the island and had sent him a small mask. We still have that mask. Also, Adam & Sera were here five years ago to help with tsunami relief and we were anxious to see it for ourselves. Again hard to believe that 48,000 people in Sri Lanka lost their lives in such a horrific disaster.
We took the road to Kandy - a 60 mile trip that took us over four hours to travel. It was a horrendous drive - dodging oncoming cars, trucks, buses, and trishaws - not to mention people criss crossing the streets without even looking! The countryside was amazing - filled with shops selling pineapples, crafts, cashews and daily goods - busy busy.
We stopped first at the Temple that housed Buddha's tooth - a relic of great importance. It was a magical place filled with worshippers and families bringing offerings. Monks were out as well chanting and playing instruments.
We overnighted in Kandy - a beautiful city high in the lush mountains. Our hotel was first class - imbedded into the side of the mountain overlooking the lakes below. Our dinner was a Sri Lankan delicacy and we were entertained by a cultural show of dancers and firewalkers. (Stephen had originally booked this night away from the ship just in case Miriam was sick of being on a ship, and/or terribly sea sick - but luckily neither is true).
The next morning we headed to an elephant orphanage - definitely a "can't believe I'm here" experience! There were hundreds of elephants in their natural setting - and we were able to get close to them eating, drinking, bathing and throwing dirt on their backs. They even paraded them up the road right where we were walking. We spend a few hours there and was just incredible to watch them at play. (This would never be allowed in America - where you could get that close and not be absolutely terrified!).
We headed back to Colombo and were given a city tour. A very busy busy chaotic city - with some remnants of it's British past. It was a delight to see the school children all dressed in their crisp white uniforms - how did they look so cool when we were sooooo hot and sticky?!
Our sail out was beautiful - amid the harbor and busy port. We'll be a day at sea again before our next stop, the Maldives.

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