Monday, March 15, 2010

Cape Town, SA

Our sail into to Cape Town this morning was magical. The air was crisp and the sky bright blue. There was Table Mountain in the background, with the city down below. The harbor had quaint restaurants, a clock tower, and shops. The only movement on shore was the sun coming up and the seabirds flying overhead. Our first stop was Robben Island. After a short ferry ride over, we boarded a tour bus and drove around the island with our guide. We saw the guard barracks, the solitary cells (Nelson Mandela's in particular), the rock quarry, and the dog kennels. Our guide was a former political prisoner himself who had spent 7 years on the island and recounted personal horrific stories. It was hard to believe that freedom had just come within the last 20 years. Mandela's message of a country with equality for all people, was a message repeated many times during our tour. On our return to the mainland we took the “hop on, hop off” tour bus and our first stop was a craft market in the center of the city. From there we went to the Jewish Museum and learned about the Jews and where they came from, worked, lived, vacationed – and their life here in general. Very interesting, given that so many of our friends came from SA! Our next stop was Table Mountain. Wow! a cable car ride (that rotated – so cool!) sheer up the face of the mountain. From the top we could see Cape Town below, as well as distant beaches, mountain ranges, the Atlantic & Pacific Oceans, and other towns. The weather was ideal – bright blue skies and no wind! Back down and back on the bus for a tour of the ocean road and Camps Bay beach. Incredibly beautiful avenues, homes, public areas, and beaches. Truly the most picturesque city we have ever visited!

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